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AliRaza R Lakhani

B.Tech I.T. Engg from K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering.

Has 3+ Years of Teaching Experience in Maths and Physics.

Website Developer at CodeHem Technologies Pvt Ltd

  1. Scored 98% in Maths
  2. Scored 92% in Science
  3. Scored 89.45% Overall
  4. 2nd Rank in School
  1. Scored 98% in Maths
  2. Scored 95% in Physics
  3. Scored 96% in Chemistry
  4. Scored 88.92% Overall
  5. 1st Rank in College
  1. Scored 97% in Physcis
  2. Scored 85% in Chemistry
  3. Scored 100% in Maths
  4. 1st Rank in Maharashtra
  5. 1st Rank in my community(Mumbai)
  6. Scored 92.45% Overall
  7. Scored 98% in Comp Sci.
  8. JEE Pecentile: 91.42
  9. Boards Percentile: 99.86
  10. Composite Score: 95.64
​                 Sem-I
  1. Scored 10/10 pointer in AM-I
  2. Got 7.5 pointer Overall
  1. Scored 09/10 pointer in AM-II
  2. Got 7.5 pointer Overall​
  1. Scored 10/10 pointer in AM-III
  2. Got 7.26 pointer​
  1. Scored 9/10 pointer in AM-IV​
  2. Got 7.54 pointer
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